Melbourne’s premier signwriting company
When it comes to a Melbourne signage company, nobody has Alpha Lewis’ history. With over 50 years’ experience in providing the city’s businesses and organisations with first class custom signage, our professional signwriters have long held a reputation for providing the best - and most extensive - service in the industry.
But don’t let our longevity make you think we’re out of the times: all you have to do is look at our extensive gallery to see the incredibly contemporary, high tech services we offer for Melbourne businesses, with everything from custom vinyl to vehicle designs, neon and illuminated signage as well as corporate branding all part of our extensive service list!
For retail. For government. For business. For you.
Whatever you need, we can do it for you.
As a dedicated team with a longstanding love for creativity, we have expanded our service to be one of the most advanced in the industry, providing big name clients with incredible outcomes no matter what their request. All you need to do is come to us with an idea, just a flicker of inspo, and our custom signs experts will produce something you - and your clientele - will truly love.
It doesn’t matter if it’s something as rudimentary as bathroom signs or as grandiose as illuminated corporate branding - our experts will make it happen with skill and efficiency!

We've been proudly Melbourne
since 1969.
Alpha Lewis Signs is a family-owned business with over 50 years of experience, expertise and passion. Our journey began in 1955 with John Lewis working as a ticket writer for Myer and Darrell Lea Chocolates.
The early 1960’s saw John extend his skills to traditional signwriting while working with various well known companies in and around Melbourne - ‘Filmer & Clarke Signs’, McCabe Signs and Carroll & Richardson Signs.
In 1969 the establishment of what is now known as Alpha Lewis Signs was formed. Paul Lewis, current owner came onboard as an apprentice in 1980. Handwritten signs with traditional brushwork was still the main way their signage was being produced. However, the late 1980’s started to see changes in the industry with the introduction of computers and vinyl cut decals.
From humble beginnings with a small factory and team in Preston we have grown, moved and evolved before finally landing in our current bigger and more prominent ‘home’ in North Melbourne in the early 1990’s. Over the decades Alpha Lewis Signs have serviced many clients over countless projects, some big, some small. We always remain committed to the craft of excellent signage and service. We love our signs, we love our clients.
Our Work.
Our Partners.

Contact our pros to get started
So, if you’ve been asking, “where’s the best sign company near me?” then you’ve found it with Alpha Lewis Signs. Our professional signwriters have the skills and experience to produce something outstanding, so feel free to contact us to get started on receiving our service.
Call us on 03 9329 1244 or submit an enquiry form via our contact page and we will get back to you with all the information you require.